Dear all,

Today I would like to dive into one of my biggest interests.  Namely my love for this little tapping technique, which has helped millions of people across the globe. I think most of you know that the Emotional FreedomTechnique is a great passion of mine. I practice it, teach it and have helped my clients to clear countless past issues (negative memories) that weighed them down and stood in their way from leading the life they want.

Our belief system is shaped by our life experiences. Sometimes few, but very decisive negative events can build a false perception of who we are. This can be such a reduced and narrow image, fueled by self criticism, which limits and holds us back in life. As a result, based on this negative self image, we end up not applying for that position, we don’t give that talk, or we don’t pursue the relationship or career we were always dreaming of.

However, there is a way out- it’s possible to have autonomy from your past. To newcomers I am perfectly aware that drumming your head in order to improve your emotional health is a rather questionable endeavor, to say the least. EFT is a very simple technique, that involves tapping a sequence of acupuncture points on the head and upper body. In so doing it can release emotional blockages such as fear or anger related to the past, that can create emotional, as well as physical discomfort.

It couldn’t have worked for me, had I not tried.

And honestly, if it wasn’t for EFT, I don’t think I’d be here writing this newsletter today. My professional switch, from working as a human rights advocate to setting up my practice and working in the healing arts was not an easy decision to make. But I love this work so much that I was determined to follow this path. EFT really helped to round the edges and supported me in countering my fears associated with this professional switch.

Change takes time, energy and focus. But it can be done.

If you’d like to learn the technique, please be welcomed to my introductory workshop on 30th November in Brussels (click here for more info) or 10th February in Antwerp.

If you’d like to dive deeper into the EFT self healing experience, you can come and join me for an EFT weekend in a beautiful country- side retreat in Orval, Belgium (25th-27th May). This is for people who’d like to go further with the technique and work on different aspects of their emotional and physical health.

In my practice I now also offer the possibility of providing you with a written personalised tapping sequence, based on your specific needs. For this I need to see you for a session and I will then write a personalised tapping sequence that you can take home to help you make the change you are seeking to make in your life.

Here’s a little tapping sequence to help you get through the day if you are feeling a little tired and unmotivated:

Side of the hand: Even though I am not so motivated, I’m fine. (3x)

Eyebrow– I don’t really want to do this

Side of eye– I’m not really motivated

Under eye– I feel tired

Under nose– I choose to relax

Under the mouth– I’m just going to relax into this

Collarbone– I’ve mastered bigger things

Under arm– I’m going to get on with it

Top of head– I’m going to make this day worthwhile

If you know of anyone who could use a little boost in their emotional life, please forward on this email. Hope to see you at one of these workshops, I am always blown away by the healing energy that is generated through collective events.

As always, thank you for walking this path with me, for reading and sharing.

With love, Irene