Dear all,

The next months are filled with a series of wonderful workshops, to which I would like to invite you. I simply love these collective learning moments, because group dynamics provide an additional source of healing and support. There is a kind of magic that inhabits these encounters, a collective mind- heart connection that guides the group into collaboratively seeking the best insights and encouragement for one another.

In the upcoming Systemic Constellation days (21st July and 15th September, Brussels) you have the opportunity to explore the dynamics behind personal difficulties in a fresh way.A constellation creates a kind of living map of a personal, family or other relational issue and provides a new perspective on complex, enduring or apparently intractable challenges.You can both constellate a personal issue or take part as a representative, which provides you with an insight into this healing experience.

In August 24th-26th there will be the next Return to Love- The Work that Reconnects weekend (Orval, Belgium). Based on the groundbreaking work of deep ecologist Joanna Macy, this weekend is a catalyst for renewed strength, inspiration and direction. Through individual and group exercises, reconnecting to nature, you will be invited to reflect upon your unique role in this time of global crisis and the unique gifts and opportunities this time offers to you.  All this whilst catered for with delicious local organic vegan food and set in the gorgeous rolling hills of the province of Luxembourg.

The next EFT weekend will take place 5th– 7th October (Orval, Belgium).

You will be taught the art of working with Emotional Freedom Technique, an invaluable tool in removing emotional blockages, especially fears. It is a unique opportunity if some belief or pattern is holding you back from living the life you desire. The workshop will show you avenues to unlock these limiting patterns and help you stand in your strength, so that you can take your next decisive steps. If you’ve been struggling to make the change you are longing to do, this is for you!

(For introductory EFT days please check dates on my website).

The feedback of participants:

“Thank you for this past weekend, the workshop, the complete attention and love you gave to each and every one of us. We all have our own little “backpack” filled with anger, fear, sadness, loneliness,… but what you do is offer us a way to get in touch with these emotions, learn to understand them, accept them and then teach us how to transform them into something else, be it power, love, acceptance, peace… For me personally I feel the fog I had been living in for many years has lifted. I feel ready to step out of the mud and start walking my path, with confidence and believe. Thank you so much for that.” Hanna

 “For me, I felt an enormous strength. And people saw it. A lot of gifts were given to me.” Katie

“Irene, thank you for letting me realise that I am the strong woman I am!” Ludgaard

“I still think a lot about our weekend in Orval, because the weekend has put me in an important new motion. The days after, I felt really good and powerful. During the weekend I came to realize that there lives a power woman inside me and that I should let her more free.” Els

“I saw a bit of myself in all of you and this “mirror” and EFT will help me to take decisions in live and speak my truth.” Véro