Finding and strengthening your inner home in an ever-changing world

Please be welcomed to three holistic health and EFT sessions, to help you let go of stress, anxiety and other challenging feelings that might have arisen in this present context (lock-down, restructuring, ongoing incertitude…).

In order to help you strengthen your emotional and physical well-being, you will be introduced to the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), as well as Do-In, the Japanese self-applied massage to help your energy circulate, reduce stress and thereby support your health and immune system.
In addition, Irene Nolte will provide health and lifestyle recommendations based on Traditional Chinese medicine that can further support your health. Based on the principle that stress and tension negatively impact the immune system, the dietary and health advice provided can help you strengthen your natural resilience and immunity, as well as emotional balance.

EFT (the Emotional Freedom Technique) is a simple and safe technique that involves tapping acupuncture points in your face and upper body to remove emotional and physical blockages. It is a tool that instantly helps you shift negativity and stagnation in your thoughts, emotions and physical body. It can help you relax, release tension and reduce overwhelm so that you can feel calmer and find a more serene place within yourself.

In a world in which we don’t have control over outer circumstances, there is much we can do to support our inner world. The aim of each session is to help you feel stronger, more resilient and replenished.

Each session will be one hour and you can keep your camera off during the workshop if you prefer!


4th March and 29th April 2021 13:00-14:15 online (the third date still needs to be confirmed)

Irene Nolte is a health and life coach, EFT and shiatsu practitioner, teacher and speaker.
For the past 15 years, she has been supporting people with burnout and emotional overwhelm, using her unique approach of combining Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern systemic coaching approaches. After her switch from working as an international human rights lawyer, she dedicated her professional life to the healing arts.
She is the vice president of the European Shiatsu Federation and regularly gives workshops and seminars on holistic approaches to health.

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)- both online and in-person

The Emotional Freedom Technique is a first aid kit for present days. By tapping certain acupuncture points on the meridian system with your fingertips, it removes emotional blockages caused by stress or other negative influences and memories. EFT is a simple technique that can be applied in all situations – to let go of heavy and painful memories and beliefs, thereby creating space for a new perspective, as well as in preparation for a stressful upcoming moment, such as an interview, a presentation.

Our past cannot be changed, but we can work on our emotional responses to it. EFT is a helpful tool in alleviating patterns and beliefs that keep us from moving forward in the present. Tapping helps you feel lighter and relieved, both emotionally and physically. It acts instantly and has lasting effects.

The theory behind EFT is that negative emotions are caused by disturbances in the body’s energy system. By tapping certain acupuncture points on the meridian system with your fingertips, it removes these disruptions caused by stress, trauma or other negative influences. Because of its simplicity, it can be applied to just about anything, to reduce anxiety and stress levels, address the fear of public speaking, sleeping problems, agoraphobia, addiction to sweets, to all sorts of physical symptoms and discomfort, such as a headache or tension in the body.

“Your introduction of EFT in my life was a “life-changing” experience. 
There was a huge energy shift, a ‘programming’ which had burdened me my whole life disappeared, by the ‘simple’ technique of tapping and finding the right words.
In so little time.  Mind-blowing. 
 This experience was definitely continued during the weekend in March in Orval. I came with an open, curious mind for what it would bring; not in a million years was I prepared for what it really brought me.  I learned so much about myself.  It was stunning to experience that you build such a deep connection with people you’ve never met before. All thanks to the safe and warm environment you offer, to the ‘spot on’ experience, sessions you offer.  Of course it also depends on how much the other people are willing to share, but in our group, it was all so warm, magnificent, with such a lot of trust.  Again a “life-changing” experiment for me.  I think about this weekend with so much love, warmth and light.” Tamara

EFT – a shortcut to health
“I met Irene during the spring of 2019 when in search of an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner in Brussels. This came after having watched the documentary “Heal” where I had an unexpectedly strong reaction to a woman with a chronic health issue participating in an EFT session. Having had health issues most of my life, and suspecting that they may very well have a psychological undercurrent, I thought EFT might just work for me. From my very first session with Irene, I knew I was at the right place, using the right approach. Little by little, peeling back the layers of myself and my past, ‘tapping out’ old traumas and fears, my health started to improve. Irene is a wonderful EFT therapist and healer who guided me to many unresolved issues. For the first time ever I felt as though some of the baggage of the past had become less emotionally charged. I felt and continue to feel free.
Irene also gave me nutritional advice, which I follow to this day. We worked together for several months and these sessions were invaluable in recovering my health. I once heard a psychologist say that sometimes the traditional ‘talk therapy’ does not work as well as other approaches (like tapping) where non-verbal elements are incorporated, and, therefore, a shortcut is created to feelings and experiences. I could not agree more! Today, when I feel emotionally stuck or under the weather, I know I just have to book and EFT session with Irene.” Sofia