The Emotional Freedom Technique is a first aid kit for present days. Time seems to be speeding up and most of us are continuously multitasking to get everything done. In this context, it can be difficult to find a way to reduce the intensity of it all and to regain some degree of tranquillity that is needed to actually reconnect with yourself.

EFT is a simple and effective technique that can decidedly help you to centre and ground, thereby delivering relaxation and improved health with remarkable speed.

The theory behind EFT is that negative emotions are caused by disturbances in the body’s energy system. By tapping certain acupuncture points on the meridian system with your fingertips, it removes these disruptions caused by stress, trauma or other negative influences.

EFT is a simple and fun technique that can be applied in all walks of life – after a quarrel with a colleague or partner, stress before an exam, a headache after a long day of work or for deeper and more long-lasting problems, such as fears and illnesses.

Here are the points:


Our past cannot be changed, but we can work on our emotional responses to it. EFT removes those triggers that make us repeat certain patterns in our lives and keep us from moving forward in the present. These triggers can manifest in many different ways such as fears and phobias, addictions and illnesses. EFT helps to clear these blockages and thereby allows us to feel better, both emotionally and physically. Because of its simplicity, it can be applied to just about anything, from fear of public speaking, sleeping problems, agoraphobia, addiction to sweets, to all sorts of physical symptoms and discomfort, such as a headache or chronic fatigue.

This works, because the theory and practice is the same in all situations- EFT stops you from identifying with a problem, or issue so that you can move on.

The focus of this approach is to help you quickly attain tranquillity, by removing tensions in your body and negative thought patterns that keep you from pursuing the life you want. It will be a short introductory course. It will give you the basic theory and practice so that you can work with it and your friends and family members. EFT is also ideally suited for children, to help them get over fears and worries, such as worry about bad grades or presentations.

It is a healing method based on the Chinese discipline of acupuncture and modern psychology that helps us to release the stress and energetic blockages that keep us stuck. EFT practitioners use a gentle tapping technique to stimulate acupuncture points on the face and body while focusing on and verbalizing the emotional problem to be resolved.

It is a technique that can help improving a lot of psychological and physical ailments. The theory behind EFT is that negative emotions are caused by disturbances in the body’s energy field. By tapping on the meridians while thinking of a negative emotion, the body’s energy field is altered and restored back to balance.

In my experience EFT has been very beneficial for anxiety and stress.

I have also worked with many people suffering from

ME (chronic fatigue)
fear of flying
general phobias

Please note:
EFT is neither a medical nor a psychotherapeutic treatment.  I cannot make diagnoses, only a doctor or psychologist can. For all conditions please make sure consult a physician.

If you’d like to get in touch you can reach me here (0032)(0) 474 61 29 57 or email at


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