This course is fully booked! You can only join as external, in other words, join for the course, but not stay overnight.
“The way we were treated as small children is the way we treat our selves the rest of our lives”
Alice Miller
…unless we bring our attention to our habitual patterns and change them! 🙂
The inner child can be understood as a metaphor, a kaleidoscope of yourself in your early developmental stages. There are many definitions of it. The way we’ll approach it during the weekend, is that it’s associated to your joy and playfulness, an innate part that lives within you in gratitude and curiosity.
Being in touch with it helps you connect with your true and playful side, your own needs and this part of your that is longing for greater freedom, to feel, experience and explore.
When we were hurt or disappointed in the past, which everyone was to different degrees, we remember these wounds and injustices. At different levels these past experiences can impact our adult life, the way we relate, the way we engage life, the hope and connection we feel, as well as the absence thereof.
From adaptation to authenticity
As adults, striving for rationality and results, we can easily ignore and push aside this part of us. And like any child that gets ignored for too long, it is moved to rage or sorrow. There can be thoughts such as “I am not enough” or “I don’t matter”, you might overreact in a given situation, later thinking that this really wasn’t necessary.
Excess adaptation of the past gets in the way in adult life.
To feel whole, it’s important to honour all different parts of yourself. And all healing requires gentleness, attention and care. This is what we’ll do this weekend.
When you allow it, you can connect to that part inside of you that has profound spiritual vitality, a quiet knowing, a way of perceiving what is beautiful, right and true.
Through gentle exercises you’ll have a chance to reawaken what is already wise and strong, true within yourself, rediscovering your own intuition and strengthening your inner balance.
We’ll do a systemic constellation for you to meet your inner child.
With a guided meditation you can further encounter and nurture it.
Through coaching exercises, you’ll gain insights and clarity how to better follow your heart.
With EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique, we’ll remove emotional blockages.
We’ll explore different archetypes- the hero, the magician, the monarch, the healer, so that you can connect to their energetic essences, to strengthen, inspire and guide you.
The aim of the workshop is to help you feel strengthened, more relaxed and optimistic and have greater clarity on the aspects of your life you’d like to address, as well as a knowing of how to do it, so that you can create the life you want. This weekend offers you the possibility to step out of day-to day life, gently reconnect to yourself, take a pause. It’s a breather, an invitation to laugh, heal and recharge your batteries.
All meals served are vegan and organic, so that it’s also a detox weekend for you.
If you’d liked to sign up, please send me an email.
Your payment secures your space.
Price: 360€ Includes accommodation (single rooms!), vegan food, snacks, as well as the course fee.
THIS EVENT IS FULLY BOOKED- if you would like to be added to the waiting list please email me!
Timing: We begin on Friday 12th November 18:30/19:00 with a light dinner.
You can arrive from 17:00 onwards.
The workshop begins that day 20:00-21:00 with the opening round.
To the extent that it’s possible, please try to be there on Friday for the opening round. It makes a difference if you are there (of course if impossible no problem either).
We finish on Sunday 14th at 16:00.
The Drogenhof
Drogenhof 51
3210 Lubbeek