by Irene Nolte | Oct 25, 2019
Dear all, Here below a short and well-known parable that I like to think of when things in life don’t go as expected. When they happen, disappointments can be painful and difficult to deal with. However, with hindsight, the things that didn’t work, or that I couldn’t...
by Irene Nolte | Aug 26, 2019
Recently I was asked whether next to workshops I was also giving personal sessions. So this might be a good opportunity to get back to basics and just explain what I do and why. And perhaps taking it chronologically places it into a better context. Years ago I was...
by Irene Nolte | May 21, 2019
Dear all, A great part of being a holistic health coach is helping people find out how the past is impacting their present, unearthing blockages and assisting in ways of letting them go. Much of the pain and difficulties in life can be traced back to our family of...
by Irene Nolte | Jan 24, 2019
First of all, I wish you a happy New Year!! May it be filled with joy, health and wonders! The beginning of the new year is often accompanied by resolutions and good intentions. Changing our habits is not so easy though. Then again, if we are longing for change in our...
by Irene Nolte | Dec 4, 2018
Dear all, Approaching the end of the year, time seems to be speeding up again. I don’t know if you feel the same way, but for me during the last weeks before Christmas, time takes on a new quality, seemingly gathering momentum. Two words I hear clients often say these...
by Irene Nolte | Sep 25, 2018
Dear all, I sincerely hope that you had a restful summer and are enjoying these gorgeous autumn days! What I want to share with you today are some thoughts on how we get sidetracked from our path. Everyone is born with a special gift. This is my firm belief. The gift...