Fatigué(e), stressé(e) et débordé(e)? Regardez la vidéo EFT pour vous remonter le moral instantanément !


No words needed

No words needed

No words needed In these complicated times, in which there is so much upheaval and destruction, every now and then I find it difficult to still know what to say. What words are left in the face of ongoing conflict and devastation, as in the four corners of the earth...

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Une promesse spirituelle

Une promesse spirituelle

Dear all, A great part of being a holistic health coach is helping people find out how the past is impacting their present, unearthing blockages and assisting in ways of letting them go. Much of the pain and difficulties in life can be traced back to our family of...

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La magie des constellations systemiques

Dans cet article, je partage une de mes grandes passions : les constellations systémiques. Je suis fascinée par les constellations systémiques depuis des années et je les ai étudiées avec différents professeurs, notamment en Allemagne. J'ai constaté qu'il existe des...

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On Belonging

On Belonging

The question of belonging had long been on my mind. I am what is called a “third culture kid”, my parents have two different nationalities (Romanian and German) and I was born and grew up in a third country, which is Belgium. I grew up speaking German at home (my...

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Natural immunity- your best line of defense

Natural immunity- your best line of defense

A few days ago, I was listening to a rather long radio programme, where a group of scientists, politicians and other health officials were discussing the best measures of protection against Covid. Using the habitual language of war on the virus, lines of defense etc....

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Welcome to the Winter Light sessions 2020

Welcome to the Winter Light sessions 2020

Someone can be madly in love with you and still not be ready. They can love you in a way you have never been loved and still not join you on the bridge. And whatever their reasons you must leave. Because you never ever have to inspire anyone to meet you on the bridge....

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Eco-villages and following your heart

Eco-villages and following your heart

Many years ago I had this dream of travelling to the US and Canada to visit alternative communities. I was fascinated by the concept of eco-villages- urban or rural communities in which people cohabit to varying degrees, according to a set of social, economic and...

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On belonging

On belonging

The question of belonging had long been on my mind. I am what is called a “third culture kid”, my parents have two different nationalities (Romanian and German) and I was born and grew up in a third country, which is Belgium. I grew up speaking German at home (my...

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Anxious and overwhelmed? Here is some help!🌸🌻

Anxious and overwhelmed? Here is some help!🌸🌻

Dear all, I hope you are very well, healthy both physically and emotionally! Here are a few nuggets of wisdom from the holistic health department;-) Needless to say, that the stronger we are in our mental, emotional, and physical self-care, the more healthy we will...

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Une promesse spirituelle

Une promesse spirituelle

Chers tous, Une grande partie du travail de coach en santé holistique consiste à aider les gens à découvrir comment le passé a un impact sur leur présent, à déceler les blocages et à les aider à les lâcher prise. Une grande partie de la difficulté et de la détresse de...

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